
欢迎浏览联合国卫生组织事故报告表格(IRF). 此表格取代报告! 和第九条事件报告表格.


The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 highly values mutual respect for the safety of others, 照顾那些个人权利和安全受到损害的人, personal responsibility and swift discipline for those who act to harm another.

此事件报告表用于报告所有(1)歧视和歧视性骚扰事件, (2)偏见和/或仇恨犯罪, (3)报复, (4)性骚扰和/或暴力.

这里不是911或紧急服务中心. 如果您认为此事需要立即处理,请拨打911.


What are the current reporting systems/tools that are being replaced by the 事故报告表格(IRF)?
The IRF will be taking the place of all previous electronic reporting methods including ReportIt! 以及第九条事件报告链接.  This new technology will provide a more user-friendly reporting platform and more secure means of collecting, 存储, 分享信息.  In addition, the IRF will allow for a streamlined, expedited and accurate response to reports.


This IRF is to be used for the reporting of all incidents of (1) discrimination and discriminatory harassment, (2)偏见和/或仇恨犯罪, (3)报复, and (4)性骚扰和/或暴力 that involves any member of the UNH community.


Anyone can make a report regarding an incident that involves the UNH community, 不管他们是否隶属UNH.


是的. The IRF should be used to report all matters of sexual harassment and violence you know, 或怀疑, 可能影响了社区的成员.  IRF将取代第九条事件报告链接,以履行您的强制性报告责任.  强制性记者不得匿名提交.  


是的.  IRF兼容所有桌面和移动设备. 


是的.  If you are unable to access the IRF you have the option to call the 公民权利 & 股本的办公室 (CREO) directly at 603-862-2930 (or Relay NH line at 7-1-1) to report your concerns.  你仍然可以通过电话匿名举报.  你只需要给民权 & 有关该事件的信息. 

If I observe a concerning incident but am unsure if it rises to the level of a policy violation, 我应该报告吗?? 

如果有疑问,提交一份报告. 民权与平等办公室欢迎任何有关事件的信息,以便我们的团队确定最佳反应.  即使有关事件的信息可能不会上升到违反政策的程度,但仍然可以为我们校园周围的气候问题提供有价值的见解,这些问题可以在更广泛的范围内解决,或者保存在文件中,以便交叉参考未来的报告.

If I was told something happened but did not observe it personally, can I still complete a report? 

是的.  任何有信息的人都可以提交报告, regardless of whether you witnessed the event personally or were not personally impacted by the event.  旁观者的报告是保证我们社区安全的关键.


是的.  如果你想保持匿名, the IRF allows you to submit a report without providing identifying information.  There is no means for the University to determine the name of the reporter if they submit a report anonymously.  然而, IRF还包括一个后续功能,允许匿名报告者在提交报告后继续与分配给报告的案例管理员进行通信.  IRF分配一个随机生成的12位数字“报告密钥”,该密钥允许报告者创建登录安全门户的密码.  这个门户将允许提交问题, 答案和附加文档, 同时保持匿名.


跟进功能是一个新选项,提交报告的人可以与民权与平等办公室团队保持联系,因为他们会回复您的查询状态并提供额外信息.  这允许访问一个门户网站,允许公民权利和平等办公室团队与报告方之间进行双向通信,以提出问题, provide additional details and upload attachments – all while remaining completely anonymous.  提交报告时, the system will automatically generate a 12-digit number (your Report Key) and ask for the creation of a password.  从那里, 希望保持匿名的人士可返回IRF,并选择“跟进”选项卡,以他们的报告密钥和密码登录. 

Follow-Up will allow you to further communicate regarding this incident, including: 

  • 提交其他问题/意见 
  • 回答问题/评论 
  • 上传文件到此报告 
  • 提供其他信息


民权 & 股本的办公室  is responsible for receiving and coordinating the response to all reports submitted through the IRF.  民权与公平办公室主任(或指定人员)将初步评估报告的性质,并指派一名案件经理.  个案经理只会在必要时与其他部门的员工分享必要的信息,以适当回应客户的担忧.  在未事先通知报告方的情况下,报告中的信息不会与报告中披露的任何人共享.  

What information will be shared with the impacted party identified in the report?

民权 and 股本的办公室 will use the information provided in the IRF to reach out to the impacted party, 告诉他们大学里的支持资源, explain the applicable university process for addressing the reported concern, 并讨论他们对解决问题的意愿.

What information will be shared with the 指责党 identified in the report?

与被告方共享信息的情况取决于事实,并可能因所报告事件的性质和受影响方所表达的意愿而有所不同.  大学的目标是为受影响的一方提供支持和选择,以解决问题,同时平衡大学保护社区安全的义务,并遵守州和联邦法律.  重要的是要明白,IRF将直接发送到民权与平等办公室,并可能导致大学采取额外的行动来解决所报告的问题, 其中可能包括与被告共享信息.  然而, 在未采取合理步骤提前通知报告方的情况下,报告中的信息不会与报告中披露的任何人共享.

I am a student who wants to file a Title IX sexual harassment and/or sexual violence “Formal Complaint.“我可以使用IRF吗??  

Submitting a report through the IRF does not automatically constitute filing a Formal Complaint under Title IX.  Impacted parties completing this form (or identified in the IRF) will be contacted by the Title IX Coordinator, 或被任命者, who will provide additional information related to their rights and options for making a Formal Complaint.  鼓励寻求正式投诉的学生与第九条协调员联系,以充分讨论他们的选择.  Students who are not ready to contact the Title IX Coordinator are encouraged to seek assistance from 享有特权的保密支持提供者 讨论他们的选择.


是的. 如果您提供身份信息, 个案管理员将直接通过电话或跟进功能与您跟进,以便您提供额外或澄清信息.  如果你选择匿名, you can log back into the Follow-Up feature with your system 12-digit generated Report Key to edit or update your report.


是的. 公民权利及平等办公室欢迎提交任何文件, 笔记, 图片, 短信, 录像和其他证据连同报告一起.  The IRF allows you to upload files up to 50MB per file (100MB overall) along with your report.  如果您希望发送超出此限制的文件, please contact the 公民权利 and 股本的办公室 by phone or through the Follow-Up feature for more options.  

What happens if I lose my 12-digit Report Key or Password for the Follow-Up feature? 

如果您丢失了12位报告密钥或密码,它们将无法恢复.  Please be sure to record your Report Key and password in a safe place prior to closing out the IRF.  公民权利与平等办公室欢迎任何面临这种情况的人,如果你有任何担忧,可以联系并讨论你的报告. 

IRF上的一些信息被指定为“必需的”(♦), 但我不知道这些信息,或者不希望在这个时候提供, 我还能提交报告吗? 

是的.  标记为“必需”(♦)的字段可以填写任何响应,包括“我不知道”或“N/A”对于您不能填写的字段, 或者不想, 提供信息.  民权 & 股权办公室团队鼓励你尽可能多地提供信息,这样才能得到更完整的回复.  强制性记者, all required fields must be completed if you have knowledge of the applicable information.

I’m unsure how to best categorize my Type of Issue/Concern, what should I do? 

Clicking on each Issue/Concern type will bring up a short definition which will help guide your decision.  If, 阅读了这些定义之后, 你还是不确定, 请选择你认为最能描述你的情况的类别.  没有“正确”的答案.  You will have the ability to go into greater detail about the incident in the “Incident Description” section.  此外,还有民权 & 股本的办公室 team will review the reported incident regardless of your selection. 

我正在报道发生在不同日期的一系列事件, “事故发生日期”一栏应填什么?  

当报道发生在不同日期的事件时, 您可以在“事件日期”字段中键入“各种”, 或者是第一次活动的日期.  The “Incident Description” section will allow for you to clearly identify the date of each incident. 

我的事件涉及不止一个受影响方, 指责党, 或见证, 我可以多加一个吗?  

是的.  “受影响的人”,“被告”和“证人或有额外信息的人”部分都允许最多10个条目,单击该部分右下角的“添加人员”按钮即可. 


你所知道的任何有关事件的信息都是有帮助的.  While other sections will allow you to identify parties, location, date, time, etc. 这部分是一个开放的文本框,它允许您深入了解有关所发生事件的任何信息的重要细节.  这将有助于使你在其他部分的答案更清晰,并提高民权与公平办公室团队尽可能有效地回应的能力. 


一旦你的报告被收到,民权委员会将对其进行审查 & 股本的办公室.  如果您提供身份信息, a member of the team will reach out to you directly by phone and/or the Follow-Up feature.  If you report anonymously, a member of the team will reach out via the anonymous Follow-Up feature. 


公民权利和平等办公室尽一切努力,在法律和卫生保健政策允许的范围内向报告方提供澳门葡京网赌游戏解决其关切的资料.  虽然有关决议的一些信息不能披露, if the reporting party has shared their contact information or has access to the Follow-Up feature, the case manager will keep them apprised of the progress of the case from beginning to end.   

UNH信息技术(IT)建立了一个RE-DIRECT,如果任何人点击旧的图标报告工具或保存部门页面上的链接.  重定向将把他们带到民权与平等办公室的专用网页,其中包括新的IRF链接和常见问题解答.  This re-direct will remain in place through the 2021 spring term transition phase, 届时,IT部门将探讨如何系统地从网站上删除旧工具,以帮助部门.